Samplers of different types use the same textur

Gidday Im getting this error, when I add cubemaps to a program & compile & validate

[b]Program validate log:
Validation Failed: Sampler error:
Samplers of different types use the same texture image unit.

  • or -
    A sampler’s texture unit is out of range (greater than max allowed or negative).[/b]

heres the important parts of the program

[b]uniform sampler2D TEX0;
uniform samplerCube environmentMap; = (texture2D(TEX0, + textureCube( environmentMap, ).xyz;[/b]

but how can either of these error’s be?

  1. Samplers of different types use the same texture image unit.

how can it know?
since you must first compile & validate the program before u use glUniform1i( loc, val ); to say what texture units you use
same with
2. A sampler’s texture unit is out of range (greater than max allowed or negative).

the only way it knows this is if it somehow has travelled into the future! :slight_smile: as its telling me my unit is invalid before I even say what unit Im using

NOTE - this is on an apple software opengl (for IOS), the above works on PC/linux and webgl

Am I overlooking something?, cheers zed

Could u show us what val contains in this line

glUniform1i( loc, val ); 

Usually val is the texture unit where the texture is bound to. In your case since u have two different textures, they should be bound to different texture units. In other words, something along thes lines should work.

glUniform1i( locEnvSampler, 0); //set envMap to tex unit 0
glUniform1i( locTexSampler, 1); //set tex to tex unit 1
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, envTexID);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texID);

See if this helps.

Hi, you can set your samplers locations right after you’ve checked that the program linked successfully.
I.e. something like this:

GLint linked;
glGetProgramiv(progID, GL_LINK_STATUS, &linked);
if ( !linked ) handle_error_here;


// here you can use glUniform1i() to set the sampler units


// now validate the program
GLint valid=1;
glGetProgramiv(progID, GL_VALIDATE_STATUS, &valid);
if ( !valid ) handle_error_here;

Datsua is correct.

glValidateProgram() is validating current context state (the sampler uniforms, the draw framebuffer, the current vertex array state, etc— anything that can cause a draw-time error when used with the program.) You shouldn’t validate immediately after linking.

Really you should validate right before drawing. And only in your debug build; it’s a tool for you to debug with.

Thanks heaps guys that was it,
Im very surprised Ive never been bitten by this before

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