No GL3 and no newsletter yet...

Woehoew! go nvidia!

Nvidia is currently busy acquiring Ageia :smiley:

And do they need all the manpower they got for it?

Next steps:
-Intel acquires NVIDIA
-Microsoft acquires AMD
-IBM acquires Intel
-Sony acquires IBM
-Microsoft acquires Sony
-No OpenGL Pipeline Newsletter yet
-I acquire Microsoft
-I sell Microsoft to Coca Cola
-ID Software acquires Coca Cola
-ID Software releases OpenGL 3.0 specification

  • ???
  • Profit!

the nvidia driver writers double as accountants now do they? sounds like where I work.

Oh come on guys, stop this nonsense. Can we go back to serious discussion, please? Thank you.

So, according to my horoscope, this month will bring great change to my life.
I have feeling this is going to be GL3 specification release.

I like that chain of aquisitions. Maybe Mattel will end up owning the entire world.


So, according to my horoscope…

wait… what? o.O

Whole story about GL3 looks like Duke Nukem Forever:

Give them another 5 years and I will agree :slight_smile:

I like that chain of aquisitions. Maybe Mattel will end up owning the entire world

So Longs Peak will be called Barbie and Mt Evans will be called Ken? No, I wouldn’t like that. I’d rather stick to original plan and let ID Software release “William Blazkowicz” and then “DX’s Doom” versions.

Don’t be silly. We all know Taco Bell will own the entire world.

What was the original topic again?

I’m just bumping this thread up in the list again in the same sarcastic way we did so far…

we wont get any infos from all those people who have signed NDAs, and who joke on the endless speculations around the absence of information.
maybe GDC brings something up

Lets just say from my look over the preceedings there isn’t a great deal about OGL mentioned…

Indeed, searching for “OpenGL” only brings up two things, that are about physics!?

Well, in 3 days we will know, that we didn’t get any infos at GDC.


Is anyone nervous about this? This is how I currently see things:

1.) OpenGL update not released when it was supposed to be.
2.) No updates on the status of the release.
3.) No information or talks at the GDC about OpenGL.

This is really disturbing to me, and my paranoid side says, “did something big (and really bad) happen over at Khronos? Is the new OpenGL even going to be released?”

The lack of presence at GDC is a huge concern for me. It really makes me wonder what’s going on with OpenGL.

Kevin B

ho hum, we’ve waited longer in the past for much simpler things.
It is however very suspicious that the one thing that could seriously slow down adoption of vista is showing all the signs of being scuppered. Money talks and s hit walks.

Yes, but in the past we didn’t have the ARB promsing to talk more or announcing they are practically there and have a few things to sort out…

I’m not all ‘doom and gloom’ about it, but as time passes it starts to become less of an issue for me as I find other things to do with my time shrugs

It is however very suspicious that the one thing that could seriously slow down adoption of vista

You honestly think that OpenGL 3.0 would have any effect on Vista adoption?

Why slow down adoption of Vista? It’s the best OS MS ever made…

ducks and runs away