Light on terrain issue

I am trying to make this code work on my terrain, but sadly the result doesn’t look correct.
The bump mapping works, but the general light is odd.
Any ideas what can be wrong?


    fvViewDirection   = (gl_ModelViewMatrix * gl_Vertex).xyz;   
             fvNormal         = gl_NormalMatrix * gl_Normal;   
             fvBinormal       = gl_NormalMatrix *;   
             fvTangent        = gl_NormalMatrix *;   
             ViewDirection.x  = dot( fvTangent, fvViewDirection );   
             ViewDirection.y  = dot( fvBinormal, fvViewDirection );   
             ViewDirection.z  = dot( fvNormal, fvViewDirection );   
             ViewDirection  = normalize(ViewDirection);


     vec3  fvBumpNormal = normalize( (( texture2D( bumpMap, Texcoord * 5.0).xyz * fBumpSmoothness) + ( texture2D( bumpMap, Texcoord * 0.45).xyz) * 0.5 * fBumpSmoothness) - fBumpHeight * fBumpSmoothness);
              float fNDotL        ;    
              vec3  fvReflection  ;    
              float fRDotV        ;    
              vec4 fvSpecColor      = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);    
              vec4  fvNewDiffuse  ;    
              vec4  fvTotalDiffuse  = vec4(0, 0, 0, 0);    
              vec4  fvTotalAmbient  = vec4(0, 0, 0, 0);    
              vec4  fvTotalSpecular = vec4(0, 0, 0, 0);    
              fvLightDirection  = gl_LightSource[0] - fvViewDirection;    
              LightDirection.x  = dot( fvTangent, fvLightDirection );    
              LightDirection.y  = dot( fvBinormal, fvLightDirection );    
              LightDirection.z  = dot( fvNormal, fvLightDirection );    
              LightDirection = normalize(LightDirection);    
              fNDotL           = dot( fvBumpNormal, LightDirection );    
              fvReflection     = normalize( ( (fSpecularSpread * fvBumpNormal ) * fNDotL ) - LightDirection );    
              fRDotV           = max( dot( fvReflection, -ViewDirection ), 0.0 );    
              fvNewDiffuse     = clamp(gl_LightSource[0].diffuse * fNDotL, 0.0, 1.0);    
              fvTotalDiffuse   = min(fvTotalDiffuse + fvNewDiffuse, 1.0);    
              fvTotalSpecular  = min(fvTotalSpecular + clamp((pow(fRDotV, fSpecularPower ) ) * (fvNewDiffuse + 0.2) / 1.2 * (fvSpecColor * gl_LightSource[0].specular), 0.0, 1.0), 1.0);    
              fvTotalAmbient   = fvTotalAmbient + gl_LightSource[0].ambient;    

                gl_FragColor = fLightPower * (fvBaseColor * ( fvTotalAmbient + fvTotalDiffuse ) + fvTotalSpecular);

The fvBaseColor is my ground texture.

Thanks in advance!

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