Beginning OpenGLSL

I’d suggest you to take a look at ATI’s RenderMonkey , a full-fledged Shader-IDE. The current version only supports DX9-HLSL, but ATI said (at GDC’04) that a RenderMonkey-version supporting GLSL will arrive at the end of this month. And I’m quite sure that it’ll come (as was the case with it’s first version) with plenty of (glsl)samples.

Thanks for help. Now i have the RenderMonkey too.

More on RenderMonkey:

Originally posted by Songoku:
I have downloaded the shader Designer but there are not any tutorials :frowning: Where to find them?
Check this link…
GLSL tutorial

And if you can read german (I guess since you said something about that before), take a look at this glSlang-Introduction I wrote for the German Delphi-OpenGL-Community. It’s kind of like the shaderspecs in german, but I descriped some parts more in-depth (like how to assign TMUs to samplers) and also discussed some things delphi-developers have to pay attention to when using glsl. But it should also be useful for all non-delphers, since glsl is independend of your programming language.

I bought the ‘Orange’ book, I have already read some chapters, and I recomend it to everyone.

The Delphi/OpenGLSL spec is a very good german version thanks.

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