Validation layers telling me that I need to enable device buffer address even though I have

As in title when I try to vkGetBufferDeviceAddress it gives me a validation error

Heres my enabling of the device buffer address

    enabledynRend:VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan13Features = .{};

    enabledynRend.dynamicRendering = VK_TRUE;
    enabledynRend.synchronization2 = VK_TRUE;

    enabledevADDR.bufferDeviceAddress = VK_TRUE;
    enabledevADDR.descriptorIndexing  = VK_TRUE;

    features:[2] *void;

    features[0] = *enabledynRend;
    features[1] = *enabledevADDR;

    ldCreateInfo:VkDeviceCreateInfo = .{};
    ldCreateInfo.pNext =*;
    ldCreateInfo.pQueueCreateInfos = *createqInfo;
    ldCreateInfo.queueCreateInfoCount = 1;
    ldCreateInfo.pEnabledFeatures = *devfeatures;

    ldCreateInfo.enabledExtensionCount = xx device_extensions.count;
    ldCreateInfo.ppEnabledExtensionNames =;

    ldCreateInfo.enabledLayerCount = 0;
        result := vkCreateDevice(vk.pDevice,*ldCreateInfo,null,*vk.lDevice);
        if result != .VK_SUCCESS {
            log(.Error,sprint("could not create logical device because %\n",result));
    log(.Info,"succesfully created logical device");

Heres how Im creating the buffer

alloc_buffers :: (size:u64,use:VkBufferUsageFlags,r:*fwdpp_r) ->  buffer {
    assert(size >= 128 && size <= U32_MAX);


    bufferCI:VkBufferCreateInfo = .{};
    bufferCI.size = size; 
    bufferCI.usage = xx use;
    bufferCI.sharingMode = .EXCLUSIVE; // we want to ensure no shenanigans happen

    buf.type = use;


    index:u32 = find_gpu_only_mem(memprops);
    allocInfo:VkMemoryAllocateInfo = .{};

    vkMemReq:VkMemoryRequirements = .{};

    allocInfo.allocationSize = size + vkMemReq.alignment;
    allocInfo.memoryTypeIndex = index;




    offset:u64 = 0;


    return buf;

find_gpu_only_mem :: (memProps:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties) -> u32 {
        for 0..31 {
		if memProps.memoryTypes[it].propertyFlags  == .DEVICE_LOCAL_BIT  { print("%\n",it); return xx it; }
        return 0;

Heres the call causing the validation error

    mesh.vertexLoc = vkGetBufferDeviceAddress(r.pipeline.lDevice,*devAddrInfo);

and heres the error

VUID-vkGetBufferDeviceAddress-bufferDeviceAddress-03324(ERROR / SPEC): msgNum: -1505668325 - Validation Error: [ VUID-vkGetBufferDeviceAddress-bufferDeviceAddress-03324 ] Object 0: handle = 0x9fde6b0000000014, type = VK_OBJECT_TYPE_BUFFER; | MessageID = 0xa641531b | vkGetBufferDeviceAddress: The bufferDeviceAddress feature must: be enabled. The Vulkan spec states: The bufferDeviceAddress or VkPhysicalDeviceBufferDeviceAddressFeaturesEXT::bufferDeviceAddress feature must be enabled (
    Objects: 1
        [0] 0x9fde6b0000000014, type: 9, name: NULL

Please do not post pictures of text; post the actual text itself.

ok, will do, thank you for the guidelines

No, it isn’t. That’s you using “device buffer address”. Enabling it happens at device creation time, via vkCreateDevice.

This is done by putting a VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan12Features object in the pNext chain of VkDeviceCreateInfo. And that object’s bufferDeviceAddress must be set to true. But you also need to check if the feature is available.

sorry I pasted the wrong text, let me fix that

alright I have fixed the text, am I enabling it correctly?

ok I needed to put devicefeatures12 in the pnext of devicefeatures 13