OT: OpenGL Tutorial Writers

Mancha: hey, thanks! at least you don’t help make this off-topic… . saw your site and it looks like it’ll be a great addition! .

Mancha: ey, i get this error that the file:

(and other files) does not exist… .

if you think what i said was off topic, then you need to read more tutorials, not write them

again, what i am requesting is tutorials that you guys might think that would benefit people here so i can post them at my site…speaking of personal experiences and stuffs (and telling other people to read more tutorials) are making this off-topic… .

why not help/volunteer instead knackered? you seem to have read oh so much before…perhaps write some on phosphorescence/fluorescence? NP/P Rendering? or other techniques/algos/topics that you have tried implementing that are on this level that is hard to found on gamedev/flipcode/opengl.org/etc… .

these topics just don’t come by do they? perhaps people would read more tutorials if people would write more on them…again, i am not asking for opengl tutorials (just in case people here forget again – i think the topic i used made this misunderstanding? but then again, you guys are smart enough to read the contents and know that i am NOT ASKING FOR OPENGL TUTORIALS…)


oh yeah, ‘NP Rendering’ is non-photorealistic rendering and ‘P rendering’ is well, you guys should know what it is… .

What’s wrong with ‘easy access
help’? Why re-invent if you can save time by taking it off the net? OpenGL is also ‘easy access’ and there’s no problem with people using it, is there?

What i’m trying to say is that tutorials are a good thing. They give people a headstart. Tutorials make OpenGL more popular, so they kind of help it’s continued existance. And for me, code helps me understand algorithms better.

nomad82, I’ve no problem with you personally, so there’s no need to be so defensive.

Does anyone here have a tutorial/like to write a tutorial on anything that has got to do with OpenGL? (Like using a particular extension, or technique, etc.).

Certainly sounded like you were asking for OpenGL tutorials from your very first post in this thread.
Suddenly your requirements are for tutorials on just about anything to do with graphics other than OpenGL. Yet you complain that I have moved this thread off topic. Mmmm, strange chap you are.
If I do write some tutorials on anything useful (if I get some time in between aimless trolling of newsgroups), I’ll be sure to put it on a website of my own, and provide you with a link to said website. I can’t say fairer than that now can I?

kansler: i agree with you! .

knackered: elo, sorry, i didn’t mean to offend you… . what my first post meant was if anyone would like to contribute tutorials on topics that the opengl could be used in its implementation (since this is an opengl discussion board, i assumed people here are into opengl and not direct3d ). that’s why i said if ‘(like a particular extension, or technique,etc.)’… .

…sorry for that. . but my second post did somewhat clear it up though (or i thought i did)… .

[This message has been edited by nomad82 (edited 05-01-2003).]

Originally posted by kansler:
[b]What’s wrong with ‘easy access
help’? Why re-invent if you can save time by taking it off the net? OpenGL is also ‘easy access’ and there’s no problem with people using it, is there?

What i’m trying to say is that tutorials are a good thing. They give people a headstart. Tutorials make OpenGL more popular, so they kind of help it’s continued existance. And for me, code helps me understand algorithms better.[/b]

I think I explained what was wrong with ‘easy access help’.
I’ll try and put it another way:
If someone’s programming something and suddenly comes up against, say, a mathematical problem which they are incapable of solving, then these days people seem to either ask on a newsgroup for the answer, or search the web for an answer. At no point do they question why they don’t know the answer - and at no point do they excert any extra effort to enable themselves to be able to answer any similar questions in the future - “hell, why bother? I’ve got t’internet and the combined brains of 1 million bored programmers with too much time on their hands to solve the problem for me.”
“I’ve also got reems and reems of ready baked code samples to browse - ctrl+c, ctrl_v”.
It’s a simple point, definately worth making - and made till I’m now blue in the face.

Well, I suck at math. Blame the dutch school system for this. But I do understand code. That’s why my opinion differs from yours.

As long as people are having fun coding OpenGL or anything for that matter, I don’t really care if they ctrl-c’ed, ctrl-v’ed.

Yeah, my bad about the files not found…
I am transfering all my work to a new server while I work some issues with my old server… So, I will prolly have everything up later today when I get out of work…

Hey knack, nice try about reading tuts.
But I think I have read as many as you have.
Kidding dude.

It is up and running.

ok thanks mancha, will try and download everything in your site later… .

anyone else want to contribute? (last bump, so don’t worry if you’re annoyed…)