Normal Mapping Calculations

I’m having a little trouble with fully understanding transforming to other spaces. I’m attempting to implement normal maps, and my process might not be the most efficient, but I’m trying to learn how to piece it together. I’m bringing in my matrices and vertex data into my vertex shader

#version 330 core

layout(location = 0) in vec3 aPosition;
layout(location = 1) in vec3 aNormal;
layout(location = 2) in vec2 aUvCoord;
layout(location = 3) in float aBoneGroup;

out mat4 f_model;
out mat4 f_view;

out VS_OUT
	vec3 normal_cameraSpace;
	vec3 normal_worldSpace;
	vec3 normal_modelSpace;
	vec2 uvCoord;
	vec3 position_cameraSpace;
	vec3 position_worldSpace;
	vec3 position_modelSpace;
} vs_out;

layout(std140) uniform Transforms
	mat4 projection;
	mat4 view;
uniform mat4 model;

void main()
	vec4 local = vec4(aPosition, 1.0);

	mat4 _mv = view * model;

	vec4 _position_worldSpace = model * local;
	vec4 _position_cameraSpace = view * _position_worldSpace;

	gl_Position = projection * _position_cameraSpace;
	vs_out.normal_modelSpace = aNormal;
	vs_out.normal_worldSpace = mat3(transpose(inverse(model))) * aNormal;
	vs_out.normal_cameraSpace = mat3(transpose(inverse(_mv))) * aNormal;
	vs_out.uvCoord = aUvCoord;
	vs_out.position_modelSpace =;
	vs_out.position_worldSpace =;
	vs_out.position_cameraSpace =;
	f_view = view;
	f_model = model;

I’ve got some redundant outputs as I’m trying multiple solutions to try to get this working. I then calculate my TBN matrix in my geometry shader:

#version 330 core
layout(triangles) in;
layout(triangle_strip, max_vertices = 3) out;

in mat4 f_model[];
in mat4 f_view[];

	vec3 normal_cameraSpace;
	vec3 normal_worldSpace;
	vec3 normal_modelSpace;
	vec2 uvCoord;
	vec3 position_cameraSpace;
	vec3 position_worldSpace;
	vec3 position_modelSpace;
} vs_out[3];

out mat4 g_view;
out mat4 g_model;

out GS_OUT
	mat3 TBN_worldSpace;
	mat3 TBN_cameraSpace;
	vec3 normal_cameraSpace;
	vec3 normal_worldSpace;
	vec2 uvCoord;
	vec3 position_cameraSpace;
	vec3 position_worldSpace;
	vec3 position_modelSpace;
} gs_out;

void main() {
	vec3 edge1 = vs_out[1] - vs_out[0];
	vec3 edge2 = vs_out[2] - vs_out[0];
	vec2 deltaUv1 = vs_out[1].uvCoord - vs_out[0].uvCoord;
	vec2 deltaUv2 = vs_out[2].uvCoord - vs_out[0].uvCoord;

	float f = 1.0 / (deltaUv1.x * deltaUv2.y - deltaUv1.y * deltaUv2.x);
	vec3 _tangent_modelSpace;
	vec3 _biTangent_modelSpace;

	_tangent_modelSpace = (edge1 * deltaUv2.y - edge2 * deltaUv1.y) * f;
	//_tangent.x = f * (deltaUv2.y * edge1.x - deltaUv1.y * edge2.x);
	//_tangent.y = f * (deltaUv2.y * edge1.y - deltaUv1.y * edge2.y);
	//_tangent.z = f * (deltaUv2.y * edge1.z - deltaUv1.y * edge2.z);

	_biTangent_modelSpace = (edge2 * deltaUv1.x - edge1 * deltaUv2.x) * f;
	//_biTangent.x = f * (-deltaUv2.x * edge1.x + deltaUv1.x * edge2.x);
	//_biTangent.y = f * (-deltaUv2.x * edge1.y + deltaUv1.x * edge2.y);
	//_biTangent.z = f * (-deltaUv2.x * edge1.z + deltaUv1.x * edge2.z);

	mat3 _mv = mat3(f_view[0] * f_model[0]);
	vec3 _T = _mv * normalize(_tangent_modelSpace);
	vec3 _B = _mv * normalize(_biTangent_modelSpace);
	vec3 _N = _mv * normalize(vs_out[0].normal_modelSpace);

	gs_out.TBN_cameraSpace = mat3(_T, _B, _N);

	g_view = f_view[0];
	g_model = f_model[0];

	for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
		gl_Position = gl_in[i].gl_Position;
		gs_out.normal_cameraSpace = vs_out[i].normal_cameraSpace;
		gs_out.normal_worldSpace = vs_out[i].normal_worldSpace;
		gs_out.uvCoord = vs_out[i].uvCoord;
		gs_out.position_cameraSpace = vs_out[i].position_cameraSpace;
		gs_out.position_worldSpace = vs_out[i].position_worldSpace;

I’ve tried following several different tutorials that calculated it differently, but in this case I tried to calculate the TBN values in model space then convert to camera space for the final mat3 output. Lastly in my fragment shader:

#version 330 core

out vec4 FragColor;

in mat4 g_view;
in mat4 g_model;

	mat3 TBN_worldSpace;
	mat3 TBN_cameraSpace;
	vec3 normal_cameraSpace;
	vec3 normal_worldSpace;
	vec2 uvCoord;
	vec3 position_cameraSpace;
	vec3 position_worldSpace;
	vec3 position_modelSpace;
} gs_out;

struct Material
	sampler2D diffuse;
	sampler2D emission;
	sampler2D normal;
	uint shininess;
	float specularModifier;
	bool hasNormal;


uniform Material material;


void main()
	vec3 _Normal_cameraSpace = gs_out.normal_cameraSpace;
	vec2 _UvCoord = gs_out.uvCoord;
	vec3 _FragPosition_cameraSpace = gs_out.position_cameraSpace;
	vec3 _FragPosition_worldSpace = gs_out.position_worldSpace;
	mat4 _View = g_view;
	mat4 _Model = g_model;

	vec4 _diffuseTexel = texture(material.diffuse, _UvCoord);
	vec4 _normalTexel = texture(material.normal, _UvCoord);
	// Flip normal if we're viewing the back of a tri
	if (!gl_FrontFacing)
		_Normal_cameraSpace = -_Normal_cameraSpace;

	vec3 _totalDirect = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
	vec3 _totalAmbient = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
	vec3 _totalSpecular = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

	for (/* for each light */)
		float attenuation = 1.0;
		vec3 _lightDirect;
		vec3 _lightAmbient = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
		vec3 _lightSpecular = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

		vec3 _lightPosition_worldSpace = lights[i];

		vec3 _lightPosition_cameraSpace = vec3(_View * vec4(_lightPosition_worldSpace, 1.0));
		vec3 _lightDirection_cameraSpace = normalize(_lightPosition_cameraSpace - _FragPosition_cameraSpace);


		//******** Direct lighting ********
		float _diff;
		if (material.hasNormal)
		vec3 textureNormal_tangentSpace = normalize(_normalTexel.rgb * 2.0 - 1.0);

			_diff = max(dot(textureNormal_tangentSpace, gs_out.TBN_cameraSpace * _lightDirection_cameraSpace), 0.0);
			_diff = max(dot(_Normal_cameraSpace, _lightDirection_cameraSpace), 0.0);

		//                                                         v-- intensity            v-- intensity modifier
		_lightDirect = lights[i] * lights[i].properties.x * lights[i].properties.w * _diff;


		_lightAmbient *= attenuation;
		_lightDirect *= attenuation;
		//_lightSpecular *= attenuation;

		//_totalAmbient += _lightAmbient;
		_totalDirect += _lightDirect;
		//_totalSpecular += _lightSpecular;


	FragColor = vec4(_totalDirect + _totalAmbient + _totalSpecular + _totalEmission, 1.0) * _diffuseTexel;

If there is a normal map for the fragment, I calculate the _diff using the textureNormal rgb values and the _lightDirection_cameraSpace converted to tangent space by way of TBN_cameraSpace. The result is that I get shading that is affected by the current camera angle, inconsistent with the direction of the actual light source.


I know there is a lot of room to improve how and where I’m making these calculations, but if anyone could point out the specific error I’m making in my conversions/calculations I would greatly appreciate it, thanks!

I’m fairly sure that this should be:
dot(gs_out.TBN_cameraSpace * textureNormal_tangentSpace, _lightDirection_cameraSpace)

TBN_cameraSpace transforms from tangent space to camera space.

The calculations in the geometry shader seem correct, FWIW.

Hey thanks for the reply!

Interesting, that does seem to stop the light from shifting, though it seems counter-intuitive to the article I was following. It seemed to infer that by creating a TBN using values of a certain point space, the resulting matrix could be used to pull values from the point space in which it was created into tangent space.

It’s a little unsettling because it leaves me feeling like I really misunderstood something about how the calculations are made. That being said, there is still a slight issue it would seem, as the light is highlighting the opposite side of the stones. It’s a little hard to see but the following image illustrates:

Actually I just finished typing my post and I rechecked the image I was using (LearnOpenGL - Normal Mapping) and it appears the tutorial’s image is wrong. The one in the thumbnail on the tutorial page looks correct, but then you click on it to get the full size image and the normals appear to be inverted, strange. I tried it with the lower res thumbnail instead that appears to be correctly made and it looks good:

So that does seem to work then, but did I just really misunderstand what that tutorial I linked earlier in my post was saying? It would make sense how it’s working if my TBN matrix was bringing my normal map texels into camera space, but that’s just not how I understood what the article was saying, as it sounded more like it was meant to be used to bring everything else into tangent space.

It does work well though, so thanks for your help either way!

Note that in the tutorial, they’re transposing the TBN matrix:

If the matrix is orthonormal, then the transpose is the inverse, so it would transform from object space to tangent space. In practice, TBN matrices tend not to be orthonormal (the tangent and bitangent vectors tend not to be exactly perpendicular to each other, although they should both be perpendicular to the normal), but they’re usually quite close (how close depends upon the amount of distortion in the UV map).

Transforming to tangent space isn’t as accurate but it’s faster, as you only need to transform the eye and light directions per vertex, rather than transforming the normal (from the normal map) per fragment.

Ah ha, I missed that transpose invocation when I was looking at it, that does make more sense now, thank you so much for the help!