I’m new to OpenGl and MFC exe files under Viisual C++. I’m learning how to do both. What I can’t figure out is how to link the two together. I’m sure it is something simple but I can’t get it.
On one hand, if I create a simple Opengl picture(say to draw a triangle) under a win32 console application, compile, and run, everything is OK.
If I create a simple dialog box where a user can enter in a number(MFC (appwizard)exe) I can’t figure out how to harness that number on the Opengl side. I probablly did’t explain that very well. i’m new to both OpenGl and MFC(not to mention C++) but I can do the basics in all three(very basics).
I’m trying to draw a picture in OpenGl and have the user enter some input, and change the picture accordingly. Preferably with two simultaneous windows open. Someone here recomended me using a modeless dialog box(still trying to figure out what that is)
using MFC for the input.
I didn’t get much luck using DOS as my input window.
Where would I put my OpenGL code in an MFC exe project for it all to work together and how would I set it up? guess that sums up my long winded question…