however when I go to use this function I get an error …from reading the forum I determined i need to test my local version ( as you expect),… I used this code ( recommend below )
IT seems I need to build my own version of GLU because I’m on 1.22 so where do I get the source, files for GLU and the headers I need to do that so as GLU_NURBS_VERTEX, (_GLUfuncptr) are defined and valid? Also not sure which version of GLU those became valid?
I’d suggest using Mesa’s version, as it’s actively maintained:
I can’t find the original SGI GLU source code on the web. There don’t appear to be any archives of (it looks like XFS is the only thing that was preserved from there).
OK I got the library and I’m struggling to make it a dll and compile it… I’m using MFC since all my stuff is MFC which for my projects work fantastic… however I essentioally run into the issue of precompiled header issues for the “c” type files… not sure how you work around C++ pre compiled, but the *.c stuff doesn’t want the C++ style header. Do I need to use: for all C type header files?
Again the initial reason for doing is initially installed glu seems to not support it. I’m trying to do a call back to get the tessalation of a Surface gluNurbsCallback(theNurb, GLU_NURBS_VERTEX, (_GLUfuncptr)&vertexCallback); unless there is a vintage way to set that?
That sounds like an issue with the build options. GLU uses a mixture of C and C++. The NURBS code is C++, the rest (tessellation, quadrics, miscellaneous functions) is C. The public API is C.