Is there any possibility to create a mesh/model from bytes to load in the Xamarin.froms OpenGL?

Is there any possibility to create a mesh/model from bytes in C#(Xamarin.froms) to load in the OpenGL?

if possible please let me know how to load the mesh/model from bytes.

Thanks in Advance,

I don’t think you typed what you intended:

Also, it’s unclear why you’re asking about Xamarin.forms → OpenGL. The former appears to be a cross-platform GUI toolkit + utilities lib for C#. The latter is a low-level 3D graphics rendering library.

Maybe you’re looking for something like this?:

Actually I am getting 3d drawing file as a base64 string from service.
Can I load that that in OpenGL xamarin forms?
I tried with urhosharp sample it’s not work as expected.

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