Is it possible to edit the OpenGL wiki, and if so, how?

I would like to correct a typo on this page: Getting Started - OpenGL Wiki

Without drivers, you will default to a software version of OpenGL 1.1 (on Win98, ME, and 2000), a Direct3D wrapper that supports OpenGL 1.1 (WinXP), or a Direct3D wrapper that supports OpenGL 1.1 (Windows Vista and Windows 7).

The highlighted part duplicates the previous one and should refer to OpenGL 1.4 instead, I guess.

Sorry for the correction by resending. Unfortunately, the right to modify posts here is dying out faster than it should.

Found an edit that turned out to be misleading:

Its summary states the following:

My test shows that Windows Vista and 7 gives GL 1.1 by default, not 1.4 as Microsoft has stated before the release of Vista. Changing 1.4 to 1.1.

In fact, this is not true, because Windows 7 actually has two OpenGL implementations:

  • The already mentioned OpenGL 1.1 from opengl32.dll, implemented as a software renderer that could be replaced (Installable Client Driver, ICD) or accelerated (Mini Client Driver, MCD; NT-only) with a vendor-specific module. Introduced in Windows NT 3.5 “Daytona”, implementing (with extensions in NT 3.51 “NewShell”) version 1.0 of the specification (MCD was then called 3D-DDI, or RX). Support for version 1.1 was added in NT 4.0 “Cairo”.

    • GL_VENDOR: Microsoft Corporation
    • GL_RENDERER: GDI Generic
    • GL_VERSION: 1.1.0
  • New implementation supporting OpenGL version 1.4, as a default ICD (file ogldrv.dll). It was called MSOGL and literally acted as a wrapper around Direct3D 9Ex (better known as “Direct3D 9 for Windows Vista”). It was aimed to offer an alternative of using ICDs from older video drivers that did not support WDDM (and thus DWM and the Aero composite desktop), and to finally provide a standard fallback for drivers which lacked ICD altogether.

    • GL_VENDOR: Microsoft
    • GL_RENDERER: OpenGL-D3D Translator
    • GL_VERSION: 1.4

    Personally, I only know two pages on the internets that explain that matter properly:
    more comments... | Microsoft Learn
    OpenGL через Direct3d 9 от Microsoft - 0xDEFACED — LiveJournal (in Russian, needs translator)

Moreover, this line also turned out to be wrong:

a Direct3D wrapper that supports OpenGL 1.1 (WinXP)

Even in Windows XP, opengl32.dll does not use Direct3D (they were never bound at all) - it only uses DirectDraw (ddraw.dll) for VRAM surfaces, but still renders on the CPU as before. Previously, from NT 4.0 up to and including Windows ME, surfaces were provided by its predecessor called Display Control Interface (DCI, dciman32.dll), to ensure compatibility with very old drivers. The notorious GDI+ was originally built on top of DCI for similar reasons.