glDrawElementsInstanced does not work

glDrawElementsInstanced Does Not Work

glDrawElementsInstanced Does Not Work

This is a demonstration of object instancing using a library I developed to draw blender files into a C++ program. You can see it at This is the same program as the former with the objects being instanced. To instance the objects I do a few things different. I am using a boolean "instanced" to switch between instanced and uninstanced. Here is where the shaders are switched over:

        skyboxShader = new Shader();
        skyboxShader->initShader("/usr/share/openglresources/shaders/skyboxshader.vs", "/usr/share/openglresources/shaders/skyboxshader.frag", "demoboxshader.bin");
        shader = new Shader();
        if (instanced)
            shader->initShader("/usr/share/openglresources/shaders/assimpinstance.vs", "/usr/share/openglresources/shaders/diffspecbinorm.frag", "demomodelinstancedshader.bin");
            shader->initShader("/usr/share/openglresources/shaders/diffspecbinorm.vs", "/usr/share/openglresources/shaders/diffspecbinorm.frag", "demomodelshader.bin");

The instancing shader is:

 *   assimpinstance.vs:  A shader to render the form
 *   of a virtual object for an OpenGL program.  It 
 *   passes along position, normals, and texcoords
 *   and its original form was found on
 *   Adapted by: Edward Charles Eberle 
 *   April 2020 San Diego, California USA
 * ********************************************************/ 
/** \class assimpinstance.vs
  *  Vertex shader.
#version 300 es

#define NUM_INSTANCES 10

precision highp float;

layout (location = 0) in vec3 position;
layout (location = 1) in vec3 normal;
layout (location = 2) in vec2 texCoord;

struct Location
vec3 Position;
vec3 Normal;
vec2 TexCoord;

out Location locval;

uniform mat4 view;
uniform mat4 projection;

layout (packed) uniform itemData{
mat4 location[NUM_INSTANCES];

void main()
gl_Position = projection * view * location[gl_InstanceID] * vec4(position, 1.0f);
locval.Position = vec4(location[gl_InstanceID] * vec4(position, 1.0f)).xyz;
locval.Normal = vec4(location[gl_InstanceID] * vec4(normal, 1.0)).xyz;
locval.TexCoord = texCoord;

The Instancing call is:

//! Draw the object.
void MeshTex::Draw(Shader *shader, mat4 view, mat4 projection, vectormodel, vectorlights, vectorspotLights, vec3 viewPos, int startIndex, bool diffOnly, float gamma)
mat4 *modelData = new mat4[quantity];
for (int x = 0; x < quantity; x++)
modelData[x] = model[x];
bool difftrigger = true;
bool spectrigger = true;
bool heighttrigger = true;
opacity = 1.0f;
shader->setFloat(“gamma”, gamma);
shader->setBool(“diffOnly”, diffOnly);
shader->setInt(“debug”, debugVal);
//! Bind appropriate textures
//! Here we allow for the three types of textures: Diffuse, specular and binormal or bumpmap.
for( int x = 0; x < textures.size(); x++)
glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + startIndex + x); // Active proper texture unit before binding
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, textures[x].id);
//! Texture present.
if (debug1)
cout << "\n\t Texture Path: " << textures[x].path << " Texture Type: " << textures[x].type
<< " Index: " << startIndex + x << " gamma " << gamma;
if ((textures[x].type == “diffuse”))
shader->setBool(“isDiffuse”, true);
if (!difftrigger)
if (debug1)
cout << “\n\n\tDrawing texture: " << textures[x].path << " to diffuse2.\n\n”;
shader->setInt(“diffuseTwo”, startIndex + x);
shader->setInt(“numDiffuse”, 2);
if (debug1)
cout << “\n\n\tDrawing texture: " << textures[x].path << " to diffuse1.\n\n”;
shader->setInt(“diffuseOne”, startIndex + x);
shader->setInt(“numDiffuse”, 1);

        difftrigger = false;
    else if (((textures[x].type == "shininess") || (textures[x].type == "specular")) && (spectrigger))
        if (debug1)
            cout << "\n\n\tDrawing texture:  " << textures[x].path << "  to specular1.\n\n";
        shader->setBool("isSpecular", true);
        shader->setInt("specularOne", startIndex + x);
        spectrigger = false;
    else if (((textures[x].type == "height") || (textures[x].type == "normal")) && (heighttrigger))
        if (debug1)
            cout << "\n\n\tDrawing texture:  " << textures[x].path << "  to binormal1.\n\n";
        shader->setBool("isBinormal", true);
        shader->setInt("binormalOne", startIndex + x);
        heighttrigger = false;
if (difftrigger)
   shader->setBool("isDiffuse", false);
if (spectrigger)
   shader->setBool("isSpecular", false);
if (heighttrigger)
   shader->setBool("isBinormal", false);
shader->setFloat("shininess", 10.0f);
shader->setVec3("viewPos", viewPos);
shader->setFloat("opacity", opacity);
shader->setMat4("view", view);
shader->setMat4("projection", projection);
glBindBuffer(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, VBO[1]);
//! Pass the image indices and cube distances.
glBufferSubData(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, 0, quantity * sizeof(mat4), (void*) modelData); 
glBindBuffer(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, 0);    
shader->setVec3("colordiff", vec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
for (int x = 0; x < lights.size(); x++)
    stringstream ss;
    ss << x;
    shader->setVec3("pointLights[" + ss.str() + "].position", lights[x].position);
    shader->setVec3("pointLights[" + ss.str() + "].ambient", lights[x].ambient);
    shader->setVec3("pointLights[" + ss.str() + "].diffuse", lights[x].diffuse);
    shader->setVec3("pointLights[" + ss.str() + "].specular", lights[x].specular);
    shader->setFloat("pointLights[" + ss.str() + "].constant", lights[x].constant);
    shader->setFloat("pointLights[" + ss.str() + "].linear", lights[x].linear);
    shader->setFloat("pointLights[" + ss.str() + "].quadratic", lights[x].quadratic);
for (int x = 0; x < spotLights.size(); x++)
    stringstream ss;
    ss << x;
    shader->setVec3("spotLights[" + ss.str() + "].position", spotLights[x].position);
    shader->setVec3("spotLights[" + ss.str() + "].direction", spotLights[x].direction);
    shader->setFloat("spotLights[" + ss.str() + "].cutOff", spotLights[x].cutOff);
    shader->setFloat("spotLights[" + ss.str() + "].outerCutOff", spotLights[x].outerCutOff);
    shader->setVec3("spotLights[" + ss.str() + "].ambient", spotLights[x].ambient);
    shader->setVec3("spotLights[" + ss.str() + "].diffuse", spotLights[x].diffuse);
    shader->setVec3("spotLights[" + ss.str() + "].specular", spotLights[x].specular);
    shader->setFloat("spotLights[" + ss.str() + "].constant", spotLights[x].constant);
    shader->setFloat("spotLights[" + ss.str() + "].linear", spotLights[x].linear);
    shader->setFloat("spotLights[" + ss.str() + "].quadratic", spotLights[x].quadratic);
if (true)
    cout << "\n\tIs instanced:  " << instanced;
    cout << "\n\tGamma:  " << gamma;
    cout << "\n\tDiffOnly:  " << diffOnly;
    cout << "\n\tDebug:  " << debugVal;
    cout << "\n\tShininess " << 10.0f;
    cout << "\n\tViewPos:  ";
    cout << "\n\tOpacity:  " << opacity;
    cout << "\n\tView:   ";
    cout << "\n\tProjection:  ";
    cout <<  "\n\tColordiff:  ";
    printVec3(vec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
    cout << "\n\tInstance quantity:  " << quantity << ".\n\n";
    //UniformPrinter uniforms(shader->Program);
    cout << "\n\tVertex Size:  " << vertSize << "  Index Size:  " << indexSize;
// Draw mesh.
glDrawElementsInstanced(GL_TRIANGLES, indexSize, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, indices, quantity);
if (debug1)
    cout << "\n\n\t" << quantity << " instanced objects drawn.\n\n";
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);


The output generated is the same as the regular demo but the instanced figures are not present.