Has anyone seen this error? What can I do to resolve it.
First-chance exception in MyProg.exe (GDI32.DLL): 0xC0000005: Access Violation.
Has anyone seen this error? What can I do to resolve it.
First-chance exception in MyProg.exe (GDI32.DLL): 0xC0000005: Access Violation.
It’s a known bug in GDI, not your problem. Nothing you can do about it; it appears pretty much at random. Doesn’t cause any problems though. Just ignore it.
Access violations with 0xC0000005 normally occur on NULL pointer (or more general illegal memory address) read or write accesses. Check the data structures you send to GDI. Any bitmap not allocated big enough, etc.
Yes, really
The old BBs seem to have been deleted now, but this excerpt was posted when the same question came up last year:
By Boom on Thursday, October 7, 1999 - 04:50 am:
Hey there
I have written mostly in the same environment, and I can tell you the excepton your getting is normal.
I posted a query on http://codeguru.developer.com which is the best Visual C++ board around, around 300 posts a day!!
Anyway 6 people told me it was a slight bug in the windows kernel and didn’t affect a program one bit.
BTW, I’ve seen this message in both GLUT and raw Win32 OpenGL apps. I’ve never seen it cause a problem. (Although when you’re running inside MSVC, you may get a slowdown because of all the writes to the output window.)
Update: just found the official bug report at http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q233/3/90.ASP It’s described as “benign behaviour” associated with ChoosePixelFormat on some video drivers.
[This message has been edited by MikeC (edited 06-14-2000).]
Excellent discussion. Very informative and complete. Left no room for doubt; excellent.
Thanks to all,
Excellent discussion. Very informative and complete. Left no room for doubt; excellent.
Thanks to all,