An Option to Change the Directory for Vulkan SDK/Runtime

Is there an option to change the directory when installing the Vulkan redistributable files (SDK/Runtime)?

I’m a little unclear which installer you are asking about. The SDK (from LunarXchange) does not need to be distributed to end users; it is only needed by developers. The SDK installer has always asked me where I want it to install at some point in the process.

On that page is also a “Runtime”, if you expand the description for it:

You shouldn’t need to distribute that to end users either. Instead they should install current drivers for their graphics hardware.
As far as the Vulkan Loader is concerned - I think it is expected to be in a specific location (or at least a location where the system searches for shared objects by default). The details are probably somewhere in this document, but I’ve not looked very closely.

I don’t know how this works on Apple with MoltenVK, the situation may be a bit different there.