Alignement problem in my compute shader

I store some datas into an SSBO but I’ve a problem, for the first triangle the data are correct in the shader but not for the second.

Here is my struct :

struct Triangle {
                                                      mat4 transform;
                                                      mat4 textureMatrix;
                                                      vec4 position[3];
                                                      vec4 color[3];
                                                      vec4 texCoords[3];
                                                      vec4 normal;
                                                      uint textureIndex;
                                                      uint refractReflect;
                                                      float ratio;

For the first triangle the transformation matrix is this :

1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
-450 -500 0 1

But for the second triangle there is a problem the values are offseted and I get this :

0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
0 1 0 -450
-500 0 1 0.0009…

The last value is the first value of the texture matrix.

How to solve this alignement problem ?


Ok! I’ve added a float to my structure on CPU side, because the GPU align the structure with a multiple of 16 bits or my struct size was 300 so it didn’t worked, now my structure size is 304 which is a multiple of 16 so it works.