I’m working at a company where we have a proprietary engine and we would like to be able to load DAE files. For now stationary models will be fine, we do not yet need animation or shader or physics information but we will in the future. After fighting with COLLADA DOM for weeks I had I was finally able to load some stationary models with exactly one texture. This level of functionality however does not even approach what is acceptable, and after spending a few days trying to revise it into something useful by combing through the sample viewer application provided with COLLADA DOM I’m at my wits end. All together I have been able to find next to no documentation, and any implementations and samples I have encountered have been partial and vague or obscenely complex. Then yesterday I ran into a comment stating COLLADA DOM was basically abandoned and people looking into implementing COLLADA should look into OpenCOLLADA. So I grabbed OpenCOLLADA and while it does seem quite a bit simpler I have been unable to find ANY documentation, and have no idea what source I should be using as a reference or sample.
Please, we really want all the features COLLADA offers but at this point I have no idea how to implement it. We are using an in-house engine which uses OpenGL, at the moment we are loading models into render lists and are going to implement VBOs at some point. I wrote an X file loader quite a while ago which works fine but there is no animation support etc. and nobody here really wants anything to do with the X format, we all want DAE. If anyone can point me in the right direction I would really appreciate it. Thank you.