Three.js camera rotation issues?

I am currently in the middle of developing a environment where a user can travel in a space environment to explore information on a site.

I have created a point and click system where as when the user is travelling forward as default and they want to change direction they click in the area they want to change direction to, once the click occurs the screen moves so that the clicked area becomes the centre of the screen and then forwar travel carries on to that area.

The issue I’m experiencing is that when users are clicking on a area that’s close proximity to the screen like the upper right hand of the screen to change area I cannot get the screen to centre on the click, it could be to do with the tiny forward travel that occurs whilst the screen rotation is occurring? Is this a limitation of the three.js, WEBGL camera? I was thinking if there was anyway to stop the forward teavel and make a pivot on the spot so the screen just turns on the spot to make sure it can centre before it travels back again forward. The click area in these cars alwaya seems to be slightly off centre of the screen.

If anyone can lend me a hand or point me in the right direction I would really appreciate it!

Hey guys any help with this please?