OpenGL fonts

um, problem… solved?

I noted that in the QueoGLC Binary package I downloaded, there are a couple of Test exe’s in the subfolder ‘test’, and the folder contained 5 dll’s, including one for fontconfig, freetype, expat, and basically all that were mentioned as prerequisites. Also folders that appeared to be resources for the dll’s.

I also noted how when I tried switching to glFont, initially the program wouldn’t work because I tried to instantiate the font before creating a GL context. So I wondered, maybe I was making that same mistake in quesoGLC?

So I dumped all the dll’s and other folders I found in the QuesoGLC/Test folder into the same folder as my applications exe. I then was carefull to instantiate my glc context after the GL context, and… it works!!

So what did I learn from this… One thing is that the other libraries cited as being prerequisites, for some reason, came with queoglc. I wish i knew why it said we needed them. Secondly, it would seem that the dll’s of these libraries were all that was needed to get it to run! O_o I thought we at least needed a .lib and some header files as well!

I’m glad I got it to work, I just wish I could have succesfully gotten MinGW to work for me, and in general, knew how to make myself better equipped to handle these installation problems. I"m not sure if I should read more about C++, or maybe operating systems, or what.

Some practice will help, for sure.
Learning about how to use your dev environment, is more a trial-and-error experience. Compilers, libs, etc. GNU tool chains, more or less adapted to Windows, etc.

hi mikau, I confronted the same compile error, and I switched to glfont(which I found in this forum,too), it seems easier than quesoglc on Windows.

I’d suggest going to nehe. They have some [excellent] tutorials, including like 5 on fonts. Go to for a bunch of opengl tutorials. Good luck!