MSIX Package issues with openGL not installed

Hello All,

I am developing MSIX WindowsApps packages and constantly plagued by ‘openGL not installed’ errors when I test builds.

I’ve included opengl32 dlls, opengl libraries, and other files but still no luck. The location of the dlls is in the root directory.

My ‘learning’ about opengl behavior within installed MSIX packages (WindowsApps directory on Windows 10) run a wide series of issues and responses.

The interesting situation is when I create a separate MSIX package for a RunTime component and another separate package for the *.exe application, they work fine. The issue happens when I package the x64 Runtime component in the VFS/ProgramFilesX64 directory and the *.exe application in root. Then the error comes as ‘opengl not installed’.

My next attempt is to include the opengl ini drivers wih the package but asking if anyone has encountered a similar problem and the potential solution?

Thanks in advance.