LabVIEW exported DAE contains data, but renders blank

Hi; I’m trying to share a scene generated in LabVIEW’s 3-D picture control. The scene includes a mesh, imported from an STL, and vectors, constructed with cylinder and sphere primitives. The scene renders and manipulates smoothly in LabVIEW.

LabVIEW provides a method to write a Scene File as DAE, and this does yield a file which appears to have have sufficient content to describe the scene. However, it appears blank when rendered in MacOS Preview, and any online DAE viewer I have found except 3dviewer dot net, which does render just the mesh object.

I assume there is something wrong with LabVIEW’s construction of the DAE file; if I knew what was wrong, I could perhaps post-process the DAE file to fix it- but as yet I know nothing of DAE! Better still, I may be able to get National Instruments to fix their export!

Unfortunately as a new user I can’t upload attachments; I’ll include the first and last portions of the DAE file, in case they are sufficient. Hopefully I’ll be permitted to upload the DAE, and a PNG of the scene in LabVIEW, at a later date…

Any pointers as to what is wrong with LabVIEW’s DAE file gratefully received…


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<COLLADA xmlns="" version="1.4.1">
        <unit />
        <visual_scene id="defaultScene">
            <node id="sceneRoot">
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                    <matrix>1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1</matrix>
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                        <matrix>-4.37114e-08 0 1 75 0 1 0 0 -1 0 -4.37114e-08 0 0 0 0 1</matrix>
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                            <matrix>1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 75 0 0 0 1</matrix>
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                                <matrix>1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 75.01 0 0 0 1</matrix>


        <geometry id="geometry">
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                    <float_array id="geometry-positions-array" count="108">-95.25 190.5 190.5 95.25 -190.5 190.5 95.25 190.5 190.5 95.25 -190.5 190.5 -95.25 190.5 190.5 -95.25 -190.5 190.5 -95.25 -190.5 0 95.25 190.5 0 95.25 -190.5 0 95.25 190.5 0 -95.25 -190.5 0 -95.25 190.5 0 -95.25 -190.5 0 95.25 -190.5 190.5 -95.25 -190.5 190.5 95.25 -190.5 190.5 -95.25 -190.5 0 95.25 -190.5 0 95.25 -190.5 190.5 95.25 190.5 0 95.25 190.5 190.5 95.25 190.5 0 95.25 -190.5 190.5 95.25 -190.5 0 95.25 190.5 0 -95.25 190.5 190.5 95.25 190.5 190.5 -95.25 190.5 190.5 95.25 190.5 0 -95.25 190.5 0 -95.25 -190.5 0 -95.25 190.5 190.5 -95.25 190.5 0 -95.25 190.5 190.5 -95.25 -190.5 0 -95.25 -190.5 190.5</float_array>
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                    <p>0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 2 1 0 2 3 1 0 3 4 2 0 4 5 2 0 5 6 2 0 6 7 3 0 7 8 3 0 8 9 3 0 9 10 4 0 10 11 4 0 11 12 4 0 12 13 5 0 13 14 5 0 14 15 5 0 15 16 6 0 16 17 6 0 17 18 6 0 18 19 7 0 19 20 7 0 20 21 7 0 21 22 8 0 22 23 8 0 23 24 8 0 24 25 9 0 25 26 9 0 26 27 9 0 27 28 10 0 28 29 10 0 29 30 10 0 30 31 11 0 31 32 11 0 32 33 11 0 33 34 12 0 34 35 12 0 35</p>
        <material id="material">
            <instance_effect url="#material_effect" />
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                <technique sid="t0">
                            <color>0 0 0 0</color>
                            <color>0.513726 0.780392 0.419608 0.95</color>
                            <color>0.513726 0.780392 0.419608 0.95</color>
                            <color>0.513726 0.780392 0.419608 0.95</color>
        <instance_visual_scene url="#defaultScene" />