HW Global Illu screenshot

Originally posted by knackered:
It seems to me that he’s just doing a low number of passes with a normal radiosity algo, writing into the textures. (…) What makes you all think he’s using some special hardware features?

I doubt McBain’s algo has much to do with “normal” radiosity algorithm (I don’t know what Knackered exactly means to call “normal radiosity algorithm”, but for me it is rendering from patch point of view)

On Zed’s image there are visible linear-interpolation patterns, typical to well-known lightmaps (i can even guess that front facing wall is subdivided to about 8x7 patches). So I believe Zed uses something close to “normal” radiosity, but is working on speeding it up.

But this doesnt apply to McBain’s image.
On bright walls there are visible multiple overlapped low-contrast but sharp-edged shadows. He must be using something different, not requiring subdivision to patches. (OTOH this makes caching of results a lot harder?)
Let me speculate (dont laugh ): Is it kind of recursive projecting every light-receiving poly onto surrounding ones, with use of standard shadows ?

McBain, help us solve your puzzle

I think McBain uses some variant of the instant radiosity algorithm. This technique doesn’t need patch subdivision nor light mapping, but instead computes radiosity in image-space.
You can find an intuitive description of the algorithm here: http://www.cs.utah.edu/~schmelze/radiosity/proj/proj.html

thanks for that link TM
there was a link off that http://www.uni-kl.de/AG-Heinrich/Alex.html
which seems like a good read, i must get busy