How to Stream GLTF model in chunks from server to client end?

How to Stream GLTF model in chunks from server to client end? I am making web application in babylon where gltf model needs to be streamed from azure blob storage so is there any way to stream models in chunks?

You may want to try asking in the BabylonJS forums: There’s more than one way to do this, and the right choice is probably specific to what you’re trying to do.

I just posted some info how one might do this:

This is exact what I want!
Thanks @bghgary
Now could you tell me how to generate these LODs and how to render them from single link. Are you generating LOD runtime?If yes then how???

There are not a lot of tools to generate the LODs. I listed in the documentation. The LODs are part of the glTF file and are created offline. The demo example uses smaller textures for LODs.

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