How to bind a frameBuffer to an GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES texture?

Glad to hear that you’re getting reasonable results now.

Re using the GL_RGBA8 internal texture format for your pass-through 2D texture and seeing flopped R and B, you can deal with this just by swapping the R and the G in your fragment shader when you read from the texture. You could also do a texel transfer from one GL texture to another if you wanted and flop it that way.

Re GL_BGR / GL_BGR_EXT, as I understand it this is not an internal texture format. Rather, this is an external format used to state what format you are storing the texels in someplace else. This is used for cases where you are loading texels into a GL texture from some other place or transferring the texels in a GL texture or framebuffer to some other place else to determine that “some other place” format (such as with glTexSubImage2D() or glReadPixels()).

OES_EGL_imageBecause with , you’re basically overlaying a GL internal texture format onto the EGL image data to interpret it, you’re limited to what internal formats are actually supported.

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