How can I get this error?

Today, I received a sample source that is reduce for calcuration.

I write this project, build, and compile.

One Error is occured.

Error: Failed to build program executable!
:80: error: expected identifier or ‘(’

I search this line, and see it. But I don’t find it what is expected identifier.

I appending this kernel source.

#ifndef GROUP_SIZE 
#define GROUP_SIZE 64 
__kernel void 
reduce(__global float *output, __global const float *input,  
          __local float *shared, unsigned int n) 
    const unsigned int lid = get_local_id(0); 
    const unsigned int lsize = GROUP_SIZE;//get_local_size(0);  
    // NOTE:  get_local_size(0) must equal GROUP_SIZE 
    const unsigned int gid = get_group_id(0); 
    const unsigned int gsize = get_num_groups(0); 
  const unsigned int gs2 = GROUP_SIZE * 2; 
    const size_t stride = gs2 * gsize;  
    shared[lid] = 0.0f; 
    size_t i = gid * gs2 + lid; 
    while (i < n) 
        shared[lid] += input[i] + input[(i+GROUP_SIZE)];   
        i += stride; 
#if (GROUP_SIZE >= 512)  
if (lid < 256) 
    shared[lid] += shared[lid + 256]; 
#if (GROUP_SIZE >= 256)  
    if (lid < 128) 
      shared[lid] += shared[lid + 128]; 
#if (GROUP_SIZE >= 128)  
    if (lid <  64) 
      shared[lid] += shared[lid +  64];
    if (lid < 32) 
#if (GROUP_SIZE >=  64)  
        shared[lid] += shared[lid + 32];  
#if (GROUP_SIZE >=  32)  
        shared[lid] += shared[lid + 16];  
#if (GROUP_SIZE >=  16)  
        shared[lid] += shared[lid +  8]; 
#if (GROUP_SIZE >=   8)  
        shared[lid] += shared[lid +  4];  
#if (GROUP_SIZE >=   4)  
        shared[lid] += shared[lid +  2];  
#if (GROUP_SIZE >=   2)  
        shared[lid] += shared[lid +  1]; 
    if (lid == 0) 
      output[gid] = shared[0]; 

I would guess that your source string is not properly NULL terminated. Make sure that you append a NULL terminator after you have read the kernel source file.

I don’t understand your advise…

The sentense means that after I have read the kernel source file then the memory is initialize NULL??

How do I fixed to kernel source or application source??

In your first post you included an error message that, in turn, included a line from the source your are trying to compile:


I’m guessing that the leading ‘}’ is the last valid char of your source and that the remaining ‘?’ are garbage, i.e. uninitialized data. The OpenCL compiler need to know the length of the source, so it does not try to include the ‘?’ chars while compiling. One way of doing this is to have a NULL terminator after the trailing ‘}’ (the other way is to specify the source length as the fourth argument to clCreateProgramWithSource). So read the source as you already do, but keep track of where you wrote the last valid source char, and then write a NULL to the next buffer position.

Judging from my little experience, such error message can occur when the kernel source code has bugs. So you have to check your kernel source code carefully.

Commenting some part out, a basic method for debugging, helps a lot for this kind of error message.

Sometimes, if the kernel souce code contains unused structure definitions, which never appear in kernel functions but defined in the .cl file.