Hi, I’m also looking for a graphics.h replacement based in OpenGL!
I work as a Videogames Programming teacher in a private institution and last years I used graphics.h lib (actually WinBGIm) to teach videogames development. My students were around 20 years old and most of them had never programmed a single line of code. I decided to start with something easy, C language. My tools: MinGW and Notepad++. The course was really focused on games programming; I started with the basics (calculator, text-game, files io) and then I decided to try with some graphics… I found graphics.h lib (never used it before) and it was great for teaching, very easy, clear, compact, understandable for students… In just one month every student got his own Pong programmed in C. I was really impressed…
Despite graphics.h worked really good for teaching, I would like to change it for some hardware accelerated lib, based in OpenGL. Anybody knows some OpenGL very basic lib for 2D, similar to graphics.h? I mean, a lib that just consist of an .h and .a/.lib files with basic 2D drawing functions, graphics device initialization/closing and some keyboard/mouse functionality.
Thanks for your reply!