Bezier-Intersection, Nurbs to PolyBez and Knots-profile

I have studied the switch back and forth in between Nurbs and PolyBez curve for quite a long time, and I have got some results like to share.

Also, I believe that I am the only one in the whole world so far, who can solve both the self-intersection of Bezier curve and the intersection problem in between two Bezier curves with a general and real time solutions.

Regarding to the Nurbs curve, it has the same difficulty on the intersection solving problem just like the Bezier curve does. But a continuous Nurbs can be converted into Poly-Bezier curve or dissected into a PolyBez and fully equal with each other in math. So if I can solve the Bezier-intersection then I can solve the intersection in between two Nurbs.

Please visit my webs at Googlesite of Nurbs 2022 and Bezier Intersection. You can find equations, drawings, my thoughts about Nurbs and the demo programs with source code there.

My websites
Bezier Intersection:
Nurbs 2022: Nurbs curve

Thank you for your attention and Regards,

Hunt Chang

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