Beam trees

Occlusion Culling is a test to see what objects can be eliminated from being sent through the pipeline that are in the view frustum, but are not in the final rendered view.

What I was describing was Portal Culling, which has a similiar goal, but is done in a different way and is used with walls. Where occlusion culling is usualy done with objects.

QHULL is a well known program that finds the convex hull of a set of points, . Though all you need to get portal culling to work is to have the world defined as a set of convex hulls, complex objects can create many splits which can hamper performance. The goal of the algorithm that I am trying to develop is not just to find the convex hulls of a room, but to find the convex hulls of a room with the smallest ammount of splits.


You can cheat QHULL!, if you take all your data, preprocess the high polycount objects, and the aproximate them by a few polygons (not making a mesh reduction, but rather faking it with some simple mesh, or even removing it, if it’s not a wall), you can cheat QHULL to make very simple convex hulls…