1 missing link for VC++6

By linking the dae and dom together into a dll, I have only one link error in VC++6, __ftol2 missing external function in libxml2_a.lib.

I tried using a standard libxml2.dll, but there are functions missing.
Since I can’t rebuild the libxml2_a.lib, any way to link in this one missing function? ANyone have a copy of it I can include?


The trick is to go get the libxml dll from http://www.zlatkovic.com/libxml.en.html
who has then compiled for generic NT. This avoids the vc++7 special ftol2 calls that are in the precompiled one in Collada download.
I now have a VC++6 build that links and so far, works with all collada classes.
It did require 3 dlls, the libxml would not static link since the compilers don;t match.
