YUV video data to RGB converstion in Qt

Hello All,

I am trying to convert and render YUV data(in three buffers i.e FrameY, FrameU and FrameV ) to RGB by using the below formula which i have googled, the problem is that the video is being rendered but there is a prominent green shade on top of the video. Can you please help me where I am doing wrong.

Shader Program:

            glShaderProgram->addShaderFromSourceCode(QOpenGLShader::Vertex, //  glShaderProgram is the pointer of the QOpenGLShaderProgram*
                                                     "attribute highp vec4 vertex;
                                                     "attribute highp vec4 texCoord;

                                                     "varying highp vec2 coords;

                                                     "void main() {
                                                     "    gl_Position = vertex;
                                                     "    coords = texCoord.xy;

            // Add Fragment Shader - fourcc: 420
                                                    "varying highp vec2 coords;
                                                    "uniform highp sampler2D texture_y;
                                                    "uniform highp sampler2D texture_u;
                                                    "uniform highp sampler2D texture_v;
                                                    "void main() {
                                                    "    highp float y = texture2D(texture_y, coords).r;
                                                    "    highp float u = texture2D(texture_u, coords).r;
                                                    "    highp float v = texture2D(texture_v, coords).r;
                                                    "    y = 1.1643 * (y - 0.0625);
                                                    "    u = u - 0.5;
                                                    "    v = v - 0.5;
                                                    "    highp float r = y + 1.5958 * v;
                                                    "    highp float g = y - 0.39173 * u - 0.81290 * v;
                                                    "    highp float b = y + 2.017 * u;
                                                    "    gl_FragColor = vec4(r, g, b, 1.0);

Thanks & Regards,