Why the hell is this If statement being ignored?

No matter what I set cubemode to, the shader gets treated as if the line “If (cubemode>0)” always returns true. The shader evaluates a cubemap for materials that don’t have one, so it fails and those surfaces aren’t drawn. Even if I change it to “If (cubemode=9999)” or any number, it ignores the If statement at line 94:

uniform sampler2D basetexture;
uniform sampler2D lightmap;
uniform sampler2D bumpmap;
uniform sampler2D glowmap;
uniform samplerCube cubemap;

uniform int lightmapenabled;
uniform int bumpmapenabled;
uniform int glowmapenabled;
uniform int cubemode;
uniform float bumpstrength;

varying vec3 ReflectDir;

//varying vec4 VecToCamera;
//varying vec4 normal;
//uniform vec4 cameraposition;
//varying vec4 VecToCamera;
//varying vec3 normal;

void main (void)
	vec4 diffusecolor;
	vec4 lightcolor;
	vec4 bumpcolor;
	vec4 cubecolor;
	vec4 color;

	//Base Texture




	if (lightmapenabled==1)
		lightcolor=texture2D(lightmap, gl_TexCoord[2].xy);



	if (bumpmapenabled==1)
		vec4 bumpmapcolor=texture2D(bumpmap,gl_TexCoord[0].xy);


	//Mix Base, Light, and Bump Colors



	if (cubemode>0)

	//vec4 DirToCamera = normalize(VecToCamera);
	//vec4 nnormal = vec4(normalize(normal).x,normalize(normal).y,normalize(normal).z,1.0);
	//vec3 reflectDir = normalize(reflect(DirToCamera, nnormal));


	if (glowmapenabled==1)


	//Restore base alpha and clamp final color




The specification explicitly states that:

It is not allowed to have variables of different sampler types pointing to the same texture image unit within a program object. This situation can only be detected at the next rendering command issued, and an INVALID_OPERATION error will then be generated."

This rule does not make any exception for samplers that are not used based on current values of uniforms so the cubemap sampler will be checked aginst this rule even if the cubemode is zero. If the materials without cubemap leave the cubemap sampler on any value that conflicts with one from the 2d samplers, the shader will fail because of this rule. This is what is probably happening in your case.


Thanks, that fixed it.

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