Whole world seems...? Inside out?

This might sound a little strange but everything in my scene seems to be …wrong…

Some examples:

Depth testing seems to be back to front, so with depth testing on the closest objest have far objects painted on them.

A singular object (loaded as a model and displayed with a display list) seem’s like it’s draw back to front with from opposite perspective…

Any thoughts on where I’ve gone wrong? Is there like a matrix inverted somewhere or something? (blind guess)…

Many thanks…


More information:

The perspective seems correct, object far away are smaller.

I have an object in the scene that consists of two spheres and some ajoining piping and a base (Think gas tanks). This object appears with the closest of the two spheres(which are the same size btw) appearing to be smaller than the other sphere which being further away is somehow … larger…

Very Curious but it driving me nuts…

I haven’t experienced anything like that yet, but is it possible that the perspective is inverted because the near plane is where the far plane should be and vice versa?
Check your Frustum…

When calling gluPerspective (if you do !), make sure the Z near plane is not 0. It should be 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0…001 but not 0 !

I know someone had the problem you described because of that…



Thanks for the help… I’ve found it… for some reason when I was trying to work out how to make a world camera that I could move around i had a transform after the projection matrix but before gluPerspective… Dropped it an now it works fine…