Im new to this game, i have spent a semester learning the basics of OpenGL and glut.
im not to good at it. I have don some cool stuff but its quite basic. The books im using are
interactive computer graphics top down approch in opengl by edward angel
i am also using SAM’s teach ur self DirectX in 24 hours.
im not to keen on DirectX.
I have both Visual C++ 6.0 and borland C++ bulder 4. running on both win 98 & 2k
so what/are is the best book to buy.
what is the beter compiler
and what is the better OS
It shouldn’t matter what compiler or OS you use. Haven’t tried Borland’s compilers, so won’t way anything about them. But I have tried both Win98 and Win2k, and personally, I think Win2k is better. It’s way more stable and a little bit faster, but requires lots of recourses. I don’t recomend Win2k unless you got way more than 64 MB RAM or so, more like 128 MB, to make it go smoothly.
And then you wanted a book. I really recomend OpenGL® 1.2 Programming Guide, Third Edition (aka the Red book) and/or OpenGL SuperBible, Second Edition. Two good books.
why don’t you try nehe site. you will find tutorials covering all the basics and mid level in opengl. there is still another book: BLUE BOOK , its like the red book!!!
but if you go to you will find what you are looking for, i give you my word. site realy kicks ass its brilient i would recomend this site to all viewing this post.
I have just ordered some books at amazon.
Im not to sure what the blue book is but the red one i found and have purchased.
when they arive i will post a review of the 3 books i bought and recomendation