What is wrong with imageLoad reading texture in computeshader?

static const char* computeSrc = {
	"#version 430\n"
	"precision highp  float;\n"
	"precision highp  int;\n"
	"uniform int      radius;\n"
	"uniform float    width;\n"
	"uniform float    height;\n"
	"const float pi  = 3.1415926;\n"
	"float sigma     = float(radius) * 0.25;\n"
	"float s         = 2 * sigma * sigma;\n"
	"layout (rgba32f, binding =0) highp uniform image2D uImageIn;\n"
	"layout (rgba32f, binding =1) highp uniform image2D uImageOut;\n"
	"layout (local_size_x = 16, local_size_y = 16, local_size_z = 1) in;\n"
	"void main() {\n"
	"	ivec2 id   = ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy);        									\n"
	"	ivec2 size = imageSize(uImageOut);														>\n"
	"	if (id.x >= size.x || id.y >= size.y) {													>\n"
	"		return;																				>\n"
	"	}																						>\n"
	"   vec2 scale = vec2(1.0) / vec2(width,height);                                            \n"
	"   vec4  pixel         = vec4(0.0);                                                        \n"
	"	float weightSum     = 0.0;													            >\n"
	"	float weight        = 0;																>\n"
	"	vec2  offset        = vec2(0.0);														>\n"
	"   for (int i = -radius / 2; i < radius / 2; i++)                                          \n"
	"   {																						>\n"
	"   	for (int j = -radius / 2; j < radius / 2; j++)										\n"
	"   	{																					>\n"
	"   		offset = vec2(i, j);															>\n"
	"   		weight = exp(-(offset.x * offset.x + offset.y * offset.y) / s) / (pi * s);		\n"
	"   		pixel += imageLoad(uImageIn, ivec2(x, y) + scale * offset) * weight;			\n"
	"   		weightSum += weight;															>\n"
	"   	}																					>\n"
	"   }																						>\n"
	"   pixel /= weightSum;																		>\n"
	"   imageStore(uImageOut, id, pixel);														>\n"
	"																							>\n"

Check the shader for compilation and linking errors, use glGetShaderInfoLog and glGetProgramInfoLog to obtain any diagnostic messages (regardless of whether there was an error).

Is the coordinate of imageLoad wrong?

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