Vulkan build in archlinux for TDAV4M board

I have downloaded Native_SDK from Imagination Technologies and I wish to know how to to build and execute aplications in the Vulkan subdirectory in ArchLinux that works on an SOC board from Texas Instruments, namely TDAV4M for the GPU on this board, namely 3D GPU PowerVR® Rogue 8XE GE8430.

The sub-folders in the Vulkan folder are :

01_HelloAPI                     CMakeFiles                      GnomeHorde                      ImageBasedLightingMapGenerator  PipelineCache
02_IntroducingPVRShell          CMakeLists.txt                  HelloRayTracing                 Makefile                        PostProcessing
03_IntroducingPVRVk             DeferredShading                 HybridHardShadows               MatrixMultiplication            RayTracedHardShadows
04_IntroducingPVRUtils          DeferredShadingPFX              HybridReflections               MultiSampling                   Skinning
05_IntroducingUIRenderer        ExampleUI                       HybridRefractions               Multithreading                  build
AmbientOcclusion                GameOfLife                      HybridSoftShadows               PVRScopeExample                 cmake_install.cmake
Bumpmap                         GaussianBlur                    IMGTextureFilterCubic           PVRScopeRemote
CMakeCache.txt                  Glass                           ImageBasedLighting              ParticleSystem

many thanks,

You’re going to have much better luck reading about this in the Imagination Tech documentation or Native SDK GitHub repro:

and/or posting about it in the Imagination Tech forums:

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