I started using Vulkan from vcpkg, when I try to call vkCreateInstance
I get the following error with no clue:
Exception thrown at 0x00007FF8B778A248 (PhotobookRuntimeComponent.dll) in PhotobookNet.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation executing location 0x00007FF8B778A248.
I thought that I could use the validation layers, however when I call vkEnumerateInstanceLayerProperties
I get the same error.
Any idea how to handle this?
I use Vulkan from vcpkg 2024.04.26
The library is used inside a WInUI3 project that calls C++ code. I don’t intend to draw into a window so I don’t use glfw etc.
Here is how I use it cpp-photobook/PB/src/OGLEngine.cpp at 29433e8285e5d3e26c2eca86ad46be2401570335 · cosmin42/cpp-photobook · GitHub
I tried enabling all VS exception types, I checked for missing dlls using gflags, I tried different memory alignments and nothing. Any idea what it could be? I just can’t figure it out. Thank you!