I am working on Sascha’s sample ‘trianglevulkan13’
where it uses MAX_CONCURRENT_FRAMES = 2
In this program, I imported texture resources so I modified the function createDescriptors()
Then, this program runs very all right
except one validation error message as follows
ERROR: [-464217071][VUID-vkDestroyBuffer-buffer-00922] : Validation Error: [ VUID-vkDestroyBuffer-buffer-00922 ] | MessageID = 0xe4549c11 | vkDestroyBuffer(): can’t be called on VkBuffer 0x44d3470000000213 that is currently in use by VkCommandBuffer 0x1ba064516f0.
The Vulkan spec states: All submitted commands that refer to buffer, either directly or via a VkBufferView, must have completed execution (Vulkan® 1.3.296 - A Specification (with all registered extensions))
The program does not crash and exits all right when I click the termination button on the title bar
So may I ignore this error message ?
How can I remove this validation error message ?
Thank you