Trying to put 16bit Data in 1 channel

?? And how exactly do you query the amount of grey pixels? And how do you read back the results? And what results?

For pixels read i use the size() command of a vector. Ok…that was very stupid by me as i understand the mistake now :P…

I mean i cant render the texture on screen like before, and i print 0 with the method i used before to print the values of the image. This method was like this:

void *pixels =(void *)malloc(sizeof(float)*size*size);
	float* data = (float*)(pixels);

	glReadPixels(0, 0, size, size,GL_RED,GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT,data);

and then just print data as a normal float array


 unsigned char *pixelsRed = NULL;
	pixelsRed = new unsigned char[size*size];
	memset(pixelsRed, 0, sizeof(2*unsigned char)*size*size);

glReadPixels(0, 0, size, size,GL_RED,GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT,data);

and printed the data like this in the second case:

for (int i=0; i<size*size; i++) {
		itoa(data[i], text, 10); // using itoa with base = 10
		printf( "%d: %s
",i, text);   

This way the first code gave me results unclamped, and the second clamped. But this was when i used the GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE earlier. I even reconstructed the picture in matlab and looked ok…

I suspect that maybe something is wrong with the whole binding of the textures.

<-Stupid inside. :mad: … I just forgot to put:

wehere i was creating the texture :smiley:

Question is which is the best way to save the output?

You really should try to understand the different data types and the conversions e.g. if you allocate a float array (1 float = 4 bytes = 32 bit) then you’re using readpixels with GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT which means that you allocated twice the necessary amount because unsigned short = 2 bytes, not 4. And then you print the array as float? which means you print a 32 bit value which is than a combination of 2 unsigned short values? Try reading the spec on how data types are converted between internal and external formats.

Any articles i could look at?

Problem is i am under stress and cant really think positive…
Now is ok… I just read FLOAT back from the fbo and everything is ok:)… Thansk for all the help -nico-. I couldnt have done it without you.