
it’s not really opengl related, but i’m using it in an ogl program…

can someone write me a complete code which prints in a win32 appliction(under vc++)
everysecond something?
(this code doesn’t work, i made something)wrong and i don’t know what.

thanks in advance

like this:
#include <time.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <windows.h>
int WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, // Instance
HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, // Previous Instance
LPSTR lpCmdLine, // Command Line Parameters
int nCmdShow) // Window Show State
void WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, // Instance
HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, // Previous Instance
LPSTR lpCmdLine, // Command Line Parameters
int nCmdShow)
long target_time, wait_time = 1;
for(int i = 0;i < 10; i++)
target_time = time(NULL) + wait_time;
while(time(NULL) < target_time)
//do nothing until wait_time has passed
cout << "second ";


Hmmm !

You should use windows’ timers (never used them and i don’t have the MS help file but you should be able to find it somewhere).
Anyway, if you like to waste processor time you can do this:

long refTime;
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
refTime = GetTickCount();
while((GetTickCount() - refTime) < 1000);
cout << “second”;

GetTickCount returns the current value of the HW counter of your PC (in milliseconds) that starts at 0 when you start your PC.
You can also put the code above in a separate thread (just in case you wanted to do something else in your app at the same time ).


Since it seems that time isn’t very critical for that purpose, also try WM_TIMER messages, since that doesn’t block the complete system while you wait a second. Of course, you’ll not have exactly 1 second, but it should be exact enough.

you can’t use cout w/ a winmain…
cout only works w/ main, etc…

in windows you have to do a whole bunch of crap to get the window ready to display text…

it’s very messy, and it’s not very conducive to c++, a least in a console style. anyway, here’s what help i can offer (ya gotta find out how to print to the screen urself! )

I’ve been told that GetTickCount isn’t very accurate (i’ve tested it myself and at most it’s only been off by aroun 25 ms). sooo, if u guys care, here’s a more accurate timing scheme (i’m assuming that this IS win32 based

unsigned GetTime( void )
static LARGE_INTEGER Frequency,Time;
static bool HighPerformanceTimerExists = QueryPerformanceFrequency( &Frequency ) != 0;

if( HighPerformanceTimerExists )
QueryPerformanceCounter( &Time );

  return unsigned(1000u*Time.QuadPart/Frequency.QuadPart);

return GetTickCount( );

the reason for the if is that it’s possible that the hw doesn’t support a high performance timer… but i’ve never seen a system that doesn’t

Actually, I think you can use cout in a Winmain so long as you create a console first using AllocConsole(). You need to kill the console when you’re done using it by using FreeConsole(),