Texture with AUX....


I’m sorry, I don’t speak english very well!

Now I use the library AUX to make texture… is it possible to do the same with the GLUT?

AUX_RGBImageRec *LoadBMP(char *Filename) // Loads A Bitmap Image

if (!Filename)
return NULL;


if (File)
return auxDIBImageLoad(Filename);

return NULL;

Thank you for your help

Use the nehe TGA load (http://nehe.gamedev.net) instead !!
It’s OS independant…
(Don’t forget to credit nehe 4 this :wink: )

Thank you for your explication, but I don’t understant what is a TGA?

Could it possible to explain me?

Originally posted by haust:
Use the nehe TGA load (http://nehe.gamedev.net) instead !!
It’s OS independant…
(Don’t forget to credit nehe 4 this )

The exemple is a nehe exemple… and it use the AUX library!

Thank you for your help!

Best regards


the answer is : “where have you been for 10 years” :slight_smile:
TGA is a image format like BMP, PCX, JPEG, GIF, and so on…

go there http://www.acdsystems.com/english/products/acdsee/ to find a image viewer/converter. So just convert your bmp to tga files, use nehe TGA loader code, et voilà.

The exemple is a nehe exemple… and it use the AUX library!

the nehe tga loader is here : http://nehe.gamedev.net/tutorials/lesson25.asp

Thank you for your help!

Originally posted by haust:
the nehe tga loader is here : http://nehe.gamedev.net/tutorials/lesson25.asp

I try to make that…

TGA est un format si connu que cela? Je ne savais même pas ce que c’était! Mais merci quand même pour l’info! Je vais essayer tout cela!

Merci encore et A+


jerome, c’est que le format TGA est independant du type system (windows, Lynux, UNIX…). Bonne chance

Actually, Nehe did not write the TGA routines. Nate did. That is why Nate was pissed off at Nehe for taking credit for his code.

All Nehe basically did was take Nate’s code, and modify it a bit.

So give Nate credit instead.

Many sites with variations of the tga loading code. NeHe simplified some code he had downloaded and gave credit to the site he had got it from.

Since people are taking code from each other and hack it will the variations of course share a lot . Everybody knows this and you have to be inexperienced or stupid not to.

One guy that had hacked some code for an OpenGL FAQ claimed that he had wrote the tga loading code and started to shout a lot of stupid things.

Some average programmers has very hard to understand that other people can do something good. They also have hard to accept the popularity of the Nehe tutorials.

Some average programmers has very hard to understand that other people can do something good. They also have hard to accept the popularity of the Nehe tutorials.

Thank you for your message…

I think your are true… but if a person don’t want to take his code, it’s his problem… but if he give her code in the net, a lot of people take it! It’s normaly! I think

Thank you for your help and have a good day!
