Well, no one responded to my first question… so maybe it was as stupid as I thought.
Here’s my second one:
When loading data from a file, I am only able to open three sgi files (~17KB each) for texture mapping using tk.lib (texture = tk_RGBImageLoad(“myfile.sgi”). I think… I’m not at the computer this second, so the function name might be slightly off.) before my computer locks up. I even free the memory used for the bitmaps using the free(texture->data) command… (after they’re mapped)
What could be causing my computer to lock up when I try to open more than three sgi textures? Would MaxApplZone() help to give me more memory? Any help is greatly appreciated…
NOTE: I’m using AGL and a standard mac window, not GLUT.
If you want to save alot of effort and are coding primarily for MacOS only (ie, cross-platform compatible code is not on the top of your list of things to do), I would suggest using QuickTime to handle all of your graphics file I/O. You can find examples of using QuickTime to load graphics files and make OpenGL textures from them on Apple’s Developer website, http://www.apple.com/developer/
Theo> I have been looking for a PNG reader the last week. A friend of mine wrote one for linux, but it uses a GNU library which I would have to compile for mac (don’t have the skills to port that…)
Do you have one?