I’m pretty new to Collada and modeling in general, so I have a quick question.
Does Collada support texture animations? I currently have a file I’m trying to export which skips between two images in a sequence (starts at 0, then jumps to image 2 at frame 10, then back to 0 at frame 20) and colladamaya does not export the animation.
I’ve done some searching and it looks like this feature isn’t supported yet, but everything I found was from a few years ago so I just wanted to ask to be sure.
Sorry for not being clear, like I say I’m still not really familiar with a lot of this. But yeah, all I need to do is change the textures at a cetain frame.
If collada doesn’t support this, is there any kind of interchange format that does? I know that fbx can’t do this either.
EDIT: Actually just toggling visibility of a material would work since I could have a seperate material for each texture and just turn one on when another is turned off.
I don’t know what is the best way to do what you want.
You could kind of do multi texturing using shader.
That might be the most direct and reflexible way.
Please read other multi texturing posts in the forum.
sorry to reopen the post again.I gone through lists of post regarding the animating the materials,y cant we use simillar way for getting the texture animation.
(ie)animation channel target will give the material SID_ref using this can we toogle textures.
In theory, there is nothing to prevent you from doing that.
You could do a step curve to step between one material to another.
But wether other importers will understand that will always be the biggest concern.
I have seen some implementation that the animation target a specific values of vertex position.
To animation a blowfish skin sticking out for example.
The animation features in COLLADA definitely need alot of work.
If you have a clear and clean solution to improve animation, please tell us.