Swapchain, Render Pass, Frame Buffer

May I ask
where can I find good web sites or resources (books etc)
about Swapchain, Render Pass, Frame Buffer (and Graphic Pipeline) ?

My major interest are
what are those memory types or where are they located literally on the system (in MS Windows 11)

Thank you

I’m not sure what you mean by “memory types” here. Vulkan has a concept of “memory type”, but of swapchains, render passes, framebuffers, and graphic pipelines, none of them use explicitly allocated device memory. So none of them directly engage with the Vulkan concept of “memory type.”

As to “where they are located”, that’s implementation-defined and is unknowable. You can track internal CPU allocations for these objects (and even override them with your own when you’re allowed to), but that won’t tell you much about any GPU resources being consumed by them.

They’re black-boxes by design.

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Thank you, Alfonse

Definitely, I didn’t mean that I want to know the actual physical address like pointer values (??)

I meant something like concepts (e.g. inside heap? or cache?? or GPU memory ?? )

Now I can figure out
Vulkan is cross-platform, whence unknowable, which you mean

I can understand much better now
Thank you again and sorry for my silly questions