SuperBible 7th Edition Configuration

Hi, I’m trying to learn OpenGl with SuperBible 7th Edition, but I have a problem with the configuration of the superbible files to run the book’s code examples.
I’m following the steps of HOWTOBUILD.txt

It says:

Install CMake. Windows binaries are available from
Ensure that CMake is in your path.
Open a command prompt and change to the directory where you’ve checked out the code.

Build GLFW

If you are going to use the copy of GLFW included in the archive, enter the
GLFW directory in extern/glfw-3.0.4, and type:

cmake -G "Visual Studio 12" .

(Yes, that’s not a mistake - Visual Studio 12 is 2013)

Open the resulting GLFW.sln file in Visual Studio and build both the debug and release configurations.

Copy and rename the resulting glfw3 libraries:

  • Copy glfw-3.0.4/src/Debug/glfw3.lib into the lib directory and rename it to glfw3_d.lib.
  • Copy glf3-3.0.4/src/Release/glfw3.lib into the lib directory but don’t rename it.

Build the samples

Open a command prompt and change to the build directory in the source archive.

cmake -G "Visual Studio 12" ..

Open the resulting superbible7.sln project in Visual Studio.

The examples will build into the bin directory.

I have already installed cdmake though I do not understand what this software does.
I opened Command Prompt and using the command cd, I reach \extern\glfw-3.0.4 folder and I typed:

cmake -G “Visual Studio 12”

But the Command Prompt says that:

C:\Users\Rafael\Desktop\sb7code-master\extern\glfw-3.0.4> cmake -G “Visual Studio 12”
“cmake” no se reconoce como un comando interno o externo,
programa o archivo por lotes ejecutable.

(The warn appears in spanish becasue I’m spanish)

What am I doing wrong?

[QUOTE=Zenith;1290147]Hi, I’m trying to learn OpenGl with SuperBible 7th Edition, but I have a problem with the configuration of the superbible files to run the book’s code examples.
I’m following the steps of HOWTOBUILD.txt

It says:

I have already installed cdmake though I do not understand what this software does.
I opened Command Prompt and using the command cd, I reach \extern\glfw-3.0.4 folder and I typed:

cmake -G “Visual Studio 12”

But the Command Prompt says that:

C:\Users\Rafael\Desktop\sb7code-master\extern\glfw-3.0.4> cmake -G “Visual Studio 12”
“cmake” no se reconoce como un comando interno o externo,
programa o archivo por lotes ejecutable.

(The warn appears in spanish becasue I’m spanish)

What am I doing wrong?[/QUOTE]

Well you forgot to add a “.” i.e., current directory at the end of the command, this is usually where the file “CMakeLists.txt” resides…