SSAO: problem with final frame

Hi, guys.

I try to implement SSAO technique.

But have a strange result.
The final frame looks as SSAO rendering step are using previous frame data.
But when I draw buffer data it looks good (can see it in the corner).


sequence of calls:

    sceneRawBuffer.bind();  // the FBO that contains position, normal and color textures
    glViewport(0, 0, width, height);

    renderScene(viewMatrix, projectionMatrix); // render scene here
    sceneRawBuffer.unbind(); // unbind FBO with textures
    ssaoRenderer.render(projectionMatrix); // render texture with SSAO effect
    lightScatteringRenderer.render(aspectRatio, projViewMatrix, toLightDirection); // render 'god rays'. doesn't matter in the case.
    glViewport(0, 0, width, height);
    renderFinalFrame(); // render final frame: mix up color, 'god rays' and SSAO data together.
    textureCompositeRenderer.render(); // just render SSAO buffer data on the top.

Thank for any help!
Have a good day.

I have found the problem.
I rendered ‘blur filter’ before ‘ssao data’.

Sorry to trouble you.