SSAO: Bilateral filter after AO path

Hello, there!

I try to implement SSAO.

There is a result:

AO path:

blur path:

As you can see after blur the image has light area that touches the wall at right.
Some research lets me know I should use ‘bilateral filter’ instead ‘simple blur’ to avoid such unrealistic fragments.

So I have found example: gl_ssao/bilateralblur.frag.glsl at master · nvpro-samples/gl_ssao · GitHub

There are several questions related it:

layout(binding=0) uniform sampler2D texSource;

What is texSource?

layout(location=1) uniform vec2  g_InvResolutionDirection; // either set x to 1/width or y to 1/height
  for (float r = 1; r <= KERNEL_RADIUS; ++r)
    vec2 uv = texCoord + g_InvResolutionDirection * r;
    c_total += BlurFunction(uv, r, center_c, center_d, w_total);  
  for (float r = 1; r <= KERNEL_RADIUS; ++r)
    vec2 uv = texCoord - g_InvResolutionDirection * r;
    c_total += BlurFunction(uv, r, center_c, center_d, w_total);  

Why the algorithm goes diagonally?

Thanks for any help!