Something wrong with space conversions

Trying to implement a parallax shader, so I’m converting the camera, lighting, and position values to tangent space so they work well together. However something is off during the conversions as you can see from the two screenshots. First one is showing tsCameraPosition and the second is lightVector.

The upper-left side of the surfaces have a triangular section which is not getting the correct value. End result:

My shader code (this is in WebGL so things like input variable names are a tad different, but syntax, etc is the same):

Vertex Shader

	attribute vec4 tangent;

	varying vec2 vUv;
	varying vec3 vPosition;
	varying vec3 vNormal;
	varying vec3 vTangent;
	varying vec3 vBinormal;
	void main( void ) {
		vUv = uv;
		vPosition = position;
		gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4(vPosition, 1.0);
		// Find & normalize the plane's normal, tangent, and binormal vectors
		vNormal = normalize( normal );
		vTangent = normalize( );
		vBinormal = normalize( cross( vNormal, vTangent ) * tangent.w );

Fragment Shader

	uniform vec3 LightSource;

	uniform sampler2D base; // base texture
	uniform sampler2D map; // normal map in rgb space, heightmap in alpha channel
	uniform vec3 ambientColor; // color of ambient light
	uniform vec3 diffuseColor; // color of diffuse lighting
	uniform vec3 specularColor; // color of specular highlights
	uniform float shininess; // how shiny the surface is
	uniform vec2 scaleBias; // x = scale, y = bias
	varying vec3 vPosition;
	varying vec2 vUv;
	varying vec3 vNormal;
	varying vec3 vTangent;
	varying vec3 vBinormal;
	void main()
		mat3 TBNMatrix = mat3(vTangent, vBinormal, vNormal);
		vec3 tsPosition = vPosition * TBNMatrix;
		vec3 tsCameraPosition = cameraPosition * TBNMatrix;
		vec3 tsLightSource = LightSource * TBNMatrix;
		// calculate the UV offset
		float height = texture2D(map, vUv).a;
		float v = height * scaleBias.r - scaleBias.g;

		// normalize the camera's tangent space position
		vec3 eye = normalize(tsCameraPosition);

		vec2 newCoords = vUv + (eye.xy * v);
		vec3 color = texture2D(base, newCoords).rgb; // default color 
		vec3 normal = texture2D(map, newCoords).rgb * 2.0 - 1.0;
		// normalize the other tangent space vectors
		vec3 viewVector = normalize(tsCameraPosition - tsPosition);
		vec3 lightVector = normalize(tsLightSource - tsPosition);
		// calculate lighting values
        	float nxDir = max(0.0, dot(normal, lightVector));
        	vec3 ambient = ambientColor * color;

        	float specularPower = 0.0;
        	if(nxDir != 0.0)
        	        vec3 halfVector = normalize( lightVector + viewVector );
		        float nxHalf = max(0.0, dot(normal, halfVector));
        		specularPower = pow(nxHalf, shininess);
        	vec3 specular = specularColor * specularPower;

        	gl_FragColor = vec4(ambient + (diffuseColor * nxDir * color) + specular, 1.0);
        	//gl_FragColor = vec4(lightVector, 1.0);

This is what it looks like without converting things to tangent space.

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