solved:WindowPos with glortho opengl 1.1

So opengl pre-installed in windows is 1.1, but glWindowPos is a 1.4 thing. After you jump through hoops to get text on screen, you may want to place the text with a screen pixel position. blah blah blah

1.1 has no glWindowPos()

//some basics
float HUDX(float xppos)
	float result = 0;
	result = (xppos*2.0f) / (appw*1.0f);
	return result;
float HUDY(float yppos)
	float result = 0;
	result = (yppos*2.0f) / (apph*1.0f);
	return result;

screen as pixel

	glOrtho(0,0, apph, apph, 0.0f, 100.0f);
	glTranslatef(-1.0f, -1.0, 0);
	vglPrint("<--ORIGIN"); //this text print is not standard opengl
	glRasterPos3f(HUDX(5), HUDY(25), -1);