Shader objects in 51.75?

Right, it works for me two, but with Detonator 40(and many other GL implementation) it works without glFlush. (Generally, I didn’t check source code, just run binary again).

from spec - “The RETURN operation … . The resulting color value is placed in the buffers currently enabled for color writing as if it were a fragment produced from rasterization…” - looks like glFlush() not really required.

Anyway, it works much better than in Det40(even with a small code modification)…

An operation is not guaranteed to complete within a finite amount of time unless there is a flush. The same app works on earlier drivers because the software implementation of accumulation buffers don’t batch up commands, so it completes immediately.

The fragment is being produced as if it were a fragment from rasterization as spec’d - normal rasterization is batched as well and requires a flush in front buffered rendering.


Seems that auto detect clock speed feature isn’t working, when doublescan is enabled most of apps are showing 5x striped screen. Still can’t find pixel adressing (topleft corner/center) for D3D.

This driver add NV40 emulation.