Setup of OpenGL Hello World in Linux with a few libraries?

Hi, I’m about to begin OpenGL programming in a couple of weeks. Our professor gave us instructions and libraries to run a hello world sort of project (that prints a rectangle in a window), but unfortunately those instructions are for Windows and Mac only (I’m a Linux user on my laptop) and at the moment he’s too busy to help me one on one with the setup on my machine.

My little knowledge of CMake and building libraries on Linux lead me to a point where I’m stuck. I know I basically have to build some static/dynamic libraries (Assimp, Glad, Bullet, …) but I have no idea how to do that and how to do that correctly in particular.

Here there’s the source from the Git repository that our professor gave us. My aim is to reproduce the files LezioniPGTR_win.workspace/LezioniPGTR_mac.workspace in Linux. I understand asking someone to do that for me is too much but any help or pointers to the operations needed would be much appreciated!

If that’s of any help, my OS is Ubuntu Artful (17.10), the IDE used for the workspace is CodeLite, my graphic board is an Intel Corporation Haswell-ULT Integrated Graphics Controller and my OpenGL Core Profile is 4.5.
