Seeking advice about flow of code and data placement

Tried converting my existing code to follow a diagram on but it became a mess so I started again only to realise that it uses a bunch of unexplained types in the code examples it gave so now I’m just ignoring most of it and only trying to copy the flow of the diagram. I got as far as the link file’s contents, my question is this, where should I put the vertex attribute array IDs and buffer element array IDs and related data, and is there any data that I have missed that I should put in? Right now I just want to follow the flow enough to get a triangle “mesh” to appear on screen, then I’ll work on adding texture & any other transformative stuff that belongs there to the “mesh” before moving onto objects that require multiple meshes. Hopefully by that point I won’t need to pester people here anymore.

Edit: Whoops forgot the link

Edit 2: Scrap advice on the vertex attribute array, finally understood what the hell that was, just the variables in the crafters/shaders prior to the main() function, got some code in for that now so now I just need advice on the index array stuff, should those be used along side the vertex attribute array or in place of?

Just in case I did misunderstand something this is how I’m treating the VertexArrays & VertexAttribArrays

void bind_detail_to_buffer( AREA *area, INDEX detailIndex, INDEX bufferIndex )
	INDEX lowestDetailTotal, lowestBufferTotal;
	LIST *DetailIDs, *Details, *BufferIDs, *Buffers;
	uint *detailIDs, *detailID, *bufferIDs, *bufferID;
	DETAIL *details, *detail;
	BUFFER *buffers, *buffer;

	if ( !area )

	DetailIDs = &(area->DetailIDs);
	Details = &(area->Details);
	detailIDs = DetailIDs->addr;
	detailID = detailIDs + detailIndex;
	details = Details->addr;
	lowestDetailTotal = least_of( DetailIDs, Details );

	BufferIDs = &(area->BufferIDs);
	Buffers = &(area->Buffers);
	bufferIDs = BufferIDs->addr;
	bufferID = bufferIDs + bufferIndex;
	buffers = Buffers->addr;
	lowestBufferTotal = least_of( BufferIDs, Buffers );

	if ( detailIndex >= lowestDetailTotal || bufferIndex >= lowestBufferTotal )

	// detailID is a result of glGenVertexArrays
	// detail->place is a result of glGetAttribLocation

	glBindVertexArray( *detailID );
	glEnableVertexAttribArray( detail->place );
	glBindBuffer( buffer->type, *bufferID );
		, detail->have
		, detail->type
		, detail->normalised
		, buffer->buff.perN
		, (void*)(detail->offset)

Decided the guides weren’t working for me so I went looking for an open source project to learn from, the first one I settled on is called “tinyrenderer”, was in C++ so I’m converting to ANSI C so it’s easier to see what is actually happening, currently converting the TGA image code, I’ll come back to my experiments after understanding how the flow is supposed to work.

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